Wednesday 8 April 2009

A Brief Bio of Sir Isaac Newton By Saul McNally-Summers You may have only heard of Isaac Newton when your science teacher was talking about gravity. Although this is an achievement on its own, Sir Isaac Newton contribution to Science was far greater. He was born in 1643 in Lincolnshire. Then, after his schooling years, he was encouraged to become a farmer-however, he hated it. Afterwards however, Trinity College saw his potential and accepted him so that he could study philosophers such as Galileo. Even at university, he began to develop a mathematical theory. Throughout his career, Sir Isaac Newton developed calculus, explained the visible spectrum, explained gravity but, probably his biggest contribution to science was his three laws of motion. His three laws of motion were published in his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. These laws stated that(in simple English:) 1. (The Law of Inertia) An object at rest or an object moving at a constant speed will stay on its current course unless affected by an external force. 2. This law basically explains how mass and acceleration are directly linked. He basically said that if the mass of an object increases its acceleration decrease and vice versa. 3. His third law is his most famous. It states that if a force goes one way, an equally powerful force must go the other - hence recoil on a gun. I hope now you understand just what an influential man Sir Isaac Newton was in the history of mankind.